Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Setting Up The New EEE PC 1000

I just recently got an EEE PC1000. It's cool, it's tiny and it came with linux.

I really like Linux and use it at home on my file server, but it didn't take me long to realize that my career as a Software Engineer using Microsoft products just won't allow me to have a linux only laptop. So today I wiped off Xandros and installed a super slimmed down version of XP.

  1. I started with a heavily stripped down version of XP. I was especally merciless when it came to drivers and services I knew I wouldn't need. It's easy to do with NLite.
  2. Disabled Prefetching, System Restore, Page File, and The Indexing Service.
  3. Installed Evernote, Firefox and Open Office
  4. Installed a few Firefox plugins to make the most of my screen real estate.

Future Plans:

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