Sunday, February 15, 2009

Evernote API

A while back I was complaining about some of the shortcomings I felt Evernote could easily fix. Well, it turns out I was wrong about some things. While they don't make it obvious anywhere inside the Evernote client app, its entire data interface is exposed.

I'm quite tempted to try and roll my own memory resident capture app based on the following:
  • It's easy to find out which files a process has locked
  • In many cases, it's possible to find out which file contains the data being noted and where it comes from.
  • I want a more intuitive way to select a target notebook at capture time.
I want more metadata about my links evernote.

If had the time, I'd really like to make a note reading/taking app as well. Some ideas:
  • Better note organization
  • Private-Public encrypted note sections with a key store and auto decrypt.
  • Integration with my Outlook GTD system.
Unfortunately, I'm concerned that the drawing stuff would be very time consuming to reimplement. The API is really nice guys but what's stoping you from making a client plugin system?

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